Saturday, 19 November 2011

fatty bom bom

Just came back from dinner.
I love japanese food <3 It's so delicious.
Especially grilled rice balls. OMNOMNOMNOM.

Didn't do much today. I wanted to go watch Breaking Dawn with my sister and her friends but I didn't really know them, so tak ade pergi.
Our gas tanks were empty, so there wasn't any hot water & we can't use the oven.
Not that we even use the oven, but hot water is a must.
I had to like wait till 230pm till I could shower, it felt goooood.
Played Sims after that, instead of Gossip Girl.
I've been watching too much gossip girl lately, I think it's affecting my health and my social life.

I've also spent my day looking at funny cat comic blogs.
They're quite amusing. I like this one.
And this one, but it's not about cats though, it's just funny.
Yeah, that's how I spend my day.

*forever alone*

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

dem booty

I feel kinda bad for wagging school today. 
At the same time, I feel happy. IT'S AFTER EXAMS BECH~*~*~*~*~*~*
There's still assessments. 

Woke up at 9:30am by my whining dog. I was like kshdlshkflhwdlfld shiiet up
Then finally my dad was like 'Can you keep Messi's volume down? Kenzi is sleeping.'
But I couldn't get back to sleep after that. 

My day was pretty boring actually.
Fed the little ducklings, shower, eat & TV, internet.
I called my sister if she wanted to go watch a movie, but she's all like 'I DONT KNOW WHAT MOVIE IS OUT' 'BUT I DO, IM ON THE INTERNET' 'WELL I DON'T KNOW. GOSH GOOD DAY' 'HMPH BYE.' 
So I don't know if I'm watching a movie or not.

I wish my life was more interesting.
I really do.

Monday, 7 November 2011

exams yay

In case you didn't know, sarcasm was used in the title above.
Exams are like the most idiotic thing mankind has created.
Bloody hell.
EVERYTHING we've studied THIS YEAR, the entire year, is all coming out on a 20+ pages exam paper and we have to finish it within 2 hours.

I don't even know how to study for Social Studies tomorrow.
Let alone Maths.
I just wanna get this over with and watch Big Bang Theory, Gossip girl and play games.
Stupid exams are causing me migraines.
The world would be so much more easier without exams :(

I want a white iPhone :(
Dey luk s0 pritti omgz

gossip girl