Saturday, 19 November 2011

fatty bom bom

Just came back from dinner.
I love japanese food <3 It's so delicious.
Especially grilled rice balls. OMNOMNOMNOM.

Didn't do much today. I wanted to go watch Breaking Dawn with my sister and her friends but I didn't really know them, so tak ade pergi.
Our gas tanks were empty, so there wasn't any hot water & we can't use the oven.
Not that we even use the oven, but hot water is a must.
I had to like wait till 230pm till I could shower, it felt goooood.
Played Sims after that, instead of Gossip Girl.
I've been watching too much gossip girl lately, I think it's affecting my health and my social life.

I've also spent my day looking at funny cat comic blogs.
They're quite amusing. I like this one.
And this one, but it's not about cats though, it's just funny.
Yeah, that's how I spend my day.

*forever alone*

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