Wednesday, 3 August 2011

yer a wizard

'Yer a wizard, Harry!'
'I'm a what?' 

I don't know why, but I just love those two lines. :3
LOLOL School today was quite fun actually. I had Music for the 2nd period, and we're doing this 'drum' thing, that was using buckets as our drums. And Sayaka and I were playing her piece of short music that she wrote. I have to admit, we were pretty alright.
And PE. Ohmygoddddddddd. The most awkward and hilarious topic ever. Our topic for this term is 'Changes and Choices'. Changes are like changes in your body. Sub topics are puberty and sex. Choices are like relationship and stuff. LOLOLOLOLOL
First lesson for today was funny. The teacher asked us to write on the board whatever we knew about the topic. Nearly EVERY GUY went up to the board and wrote a bunch of stuff.
I wrote 'willies'. Apparently, that wasn't acceptable and we had to use the word 'penis' instead. Pssschhhhhh.
And food technology! We had to make muesli.
Our group accidentally put in the raisins and apricots in the mixture first, and put it in the oven. When we were supposed to put the raisins and apricots after the muesli is cooked. So the raisins and apricots turned out burnt. Not a surprise. Looked edible though, the smell wasn't too bad. I didn't try it though.
Went to the town centre with Sayaka after school, bought some stuff at Whitcoulls and went to the library to do some things. Had some Chicken McBites at McDonald while Sayaka had Frozen L&P and large fries. She's mad for drinking frozen drinks in winter. She regretted it after that.

Now I'm off to sleep.

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