This, was our first photo together on the first day of school.
When I didn't know her, when I thought she was the super quiet, shy girl.
I still remember that day very clearly.
Sophiya, also known as, Sophie, is my best friend.
Yes, some people say "a best friend should be like over 5 years or so" but that's bullshit. If you find a person who you can relate to, can have a shoulder to cry on, who you can trust and do anything together, you can technically call that person your best friend.
I met Sophie last year, January, on the first day of school. I sat next to her, introduced myself, with my oh-so-chinese accent. And she was SOOOOOOO quiet and soft man, now she's the opposite of that.
We had our first sleepover at her house after CVIC, which was a little awkward cause we didn't exactly knew each other THAT well. At her place, I found out I was allergic to cats, which wasn't helpful as her house has a lot of cats. LOLOLOL.
Our first trip to somewhere NOT in Kuala Lumpur.
That would be, Bidong.
Also my first diving trip. With my other friends too!
A picture we took on the way to the resort we stayed in!
I would post more photos, but they're not in my laptop. And other photos are, umm.. not related :3
It was extremely fun, really it was.
Her birthday 21st, 22nd and 23rd.
I sleptover at her house for 2 nights! It was really fun :3
We went out for dinner on her birthday, sadly I don't have any photos. We had this really, really good dinner and an awesome creme brulee for dessert. It was good as. I couldn't sleep well that night cause we were sleeping in her TV room and the frogs were outside the room and it kept on croaking. I was like omfgfmlfmlfmlfmlfmlfmlfml. But I slept a little, I guess. After that we had a water fight LOLOLOL <3
Us, soaking wet, after a truce. Ahhhh, good times (:
AND THEN HER BIRTHDAY PARTY! Daaaaaaamn, it was superkalifragilisticespiallidocious-ly fun. There is no words for that fun-ness at her party. It wasn't like hard core dancing or whatever, it was just playing in the pool with awesome friends and soccer in the rain. And it was very fun.
My last outing with Sophie. And of course, the weird and hyper, Savira.
This was at Pavillion. LOL Our faces are really weird, I don't even know why we did that face.
Oh right, the Ashwin face.
The day when Savira drank coffee for the first ever time. The day when Bera AND Sophie came for a sleepover. My room was such a pigsty. OH THE FUN TIMESSSSSSS~*~*~**~
There's like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more things we did together, but I just don't have the photos for those memories. I wish I could print memories.
Omg, someone should make that. Printing memories :3 ASDFGHJKL.
Lemme list down the traits of Sophiya Sabapathy.
Retarded, weird, funny, not awesome, slappable, reliable, loyal, understands my weird humor, bimbo, a fantastic singer, sarcastic and a thousand more I can list out, but I'm lazy, so no.
She's always there for me, when I needed her.
She's not the best at comforting people, but she's great at giving advices, well sometimes. LOL DON'T GET MAD AT ME SOPHIE~*~*~ I LUBS YOU <3
She's always weird and funny. So it's easy to talk to her.
I can trust her with anything, except for her mom's money. Yeah no.
We have so, so much in common. Literally, I've never met anyone with so much interests as I.
And she knows me super well. When I'm sad, on skype, pretending to be happy, she knows I'm sad. And gives me reasons why I shouldn't be and cheer me up.
I can give more reasons why we're best friends, but she's bugging me to quick it up.
So maybe next time.
So this is my post about my best friend, Sophie.
The girl who is rapping Super Bass and being weird.
I lubs you fayhead <3
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