Saturday, 3 September 2011


So yesterday was my birthday, had a really good time :)
Although there wasn't any presents, I still feel really loved and I had a good time. And that's pretty much matters :)
Sophie and I skyped call till midnight and she posted a really embarrassing photo of me and an 'AWWWWWW' caption. She gave me a really silly dare, and I had to post it on Facebook. But it was fun:)) Went to sleep after a while. I woke up at about 1030am, I didn't wanna go out of my room cause there was guests outside, so I stayed in. When they left, I went out and my family sang me a birthday song. My brother and sister hugged me, I was like -___- EWIEEEE. Chloe made a cake for my birthday and father's day for today.
I left the house at 1230ish to Sylvia Park with Carmen and Sara. It was really fun! We wanted to watch a movie but it was freaking R16, and they really check ID's here. HMPHHH.
Had Nando's after walking around and nagging them to let me have lunch NOW. IT WAS GOOOOOOOOOOD P: Had this classic chicken breast burger with really nice sauce. I forgot what it was called. BUT IT WAS DELICIOUS.
Went to Japan mart after that. Bought noodles and other goodies worth $100+ :3
Anything is worth it if it's good food.
My mom came and shopped a while, so we stayed in the car since it's like freaking windy and cold outside. We got kinda bored so me and Sara ran to the lift and came up and down. Carmen was like YOU GUYS ARE RETARDED. Meh.
My mom came back to the car and sent Sara home, Carmen was coming home with me cause she's all like 'I WANNA SEE YOUR NEW HOUSE!!!111!1!' Bought some candles for my cake on the way and a pack of mustaches and party poppers while I was at it.
I used it for a monobrow and a mustache |:{) <-- My attempt of monobrow + moustache emoticon.
Carmen sticked hers EVERYWHERE. -.- Took some photos and played around~*~*~*
I can't be stuffed typing other stuff that we did yesterday. I needa do my project about Abraham Lincoln. All I know was that he had a really tall hat~*~*~*~*
And I'm still in my PJ's.


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