Sunday, 18 December 2011

jingle bells, someone smells 40 miles away

I've noticed I haven't been posting for a while, but I doubt anyone actually reads this but I post just for the fun of it.
Anyways, Christmas is almost here and somehow I'm not THAT excited.
Maybe it's because my family doesn't really celebrate Christmas, maybe.
I guess I'll be spending it watching Gossip Girl & eating chocolate wafers.

My wishlist for Christmas:

  1. New headphones
  2. The piggy alarm clock that makes bacon
  3. Playstation 3 (although I'm gonna buy it during Boxing day, it's still good to receive a free ps3 :3) 
  4. To go to Malaysia 
And I'll update it if I think of anything else, but I think that's kinda it.
I really, really want to spend it in Malaysia :( with my friends & family.
And the atmosphere is amazing.
Unlike the so-called-summer here in New Zealand. It's been raining non-stop for the past week.
At least Christmas will be cold, I think.

And I just finished disc 4, Season 4 of Gossip girl.
Two more episodes and I'm done with S4 and what, 1 more year till the DVD reaches this country? That's the downside of living in NZ.
There's no fake DVD's here.


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