Friday, 30 December 2011


It's December 31st, 2011.
This year was quite a roller coaster for me, I mean migrating to a different country and going to a new school was kinda hard, but we got through it slowly.
I remember last New Years I cried because I was alone. Loneliness always sucks.
But I don't feel lonely this year, because I've made tons of friends and I'm closer than ever with my family and have my 2 precious dogs :)

Tomorrow at 6am we'll be going to the temple for this 'start of a new year' thing, where you have to like get on your knees and bow every time the monk hits this gong.
It hurts my knee though :( But it's just once a year, so I guess it's fine :)
And also, I'm really grateful that we could find a really great house in like 1 year and for everything that has happened to us.

And in a few days, I'll be going overseas to a certain somewhere :3
Super duper excited~*~*~*~*~

Happy New Year! 

Sunday, 18 December 2011

jingle bells, someone smells 40 miles away

I've noticed I haven't been posting for a while, but I doubt anyone actually reads this but I post just for the fun of it.
Anyways, Christmas is almost here and somehow I'm not THAT excited.
Maybe it's because my family doesn't really celebrate Christmas, maybe.
I guess I'll be spending it watching Gossip Girl & eating chocolate wafers.

My wishlist for Christmas:

  1. New headphones
  2. The piggy alarm clock that makes bacon
  3. Playstation 3 (although I'm gonna buy it during Boxing day, it's still good to receive a free ps3 :3) 
  4. To go to Malaysia 
And I'll update it if I think of anything else, but I think that's kinda it.
I really, really want to spend it in Malaysia :( with my friends & family.
And the atmosphere is amazing.
Unlike the so-called-summer here in New Zealand. It's been raining non-stop for the past week.
At least Christmas will be cold, I think.

And I just finished disc 4, Season 4 of Gossip girl.
Two more episodes and I'm done with S4 and what, 1 more year till the DVD reaches this country? That's the downside of living in NZ.
There's no fake DVD's here.


Saturday, 19 November 2011

fatty bom bom

Just came back from dinner.
I love japanese food <3 It's so delicious.
Especially grilled rice balls. OMNOMNOMNOM.

Didn't do much today. I wanted to go watch Breaking Dawn with my sister and her friends but I didn't really know them, so tak ade pergi.
Our gas tanks were empty, so there wasn't any hot water & we can't use the oven.
Not that we even use the oven, but hot water is a must.
I had to like wait till 230pm till I could shower, it felt goooood.
Played Sims after that, instead of Gossip Girl.
I've been watching too much gossip girl lately, I think it's affecting my health and my social life.

I've also spent my day looking at funny cat comic blogs.
They're quite amusing. I like this one.
And this one, but it's not about cats though, it's just funny.
Yeah, that's how I spend my day.

*forever alone*

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

dem booty

I feel kinda bad for wagging school today. 
At the same time, I feel happy. IT'S AFTER EXAMS BECH~*~*~*~*~*~*
There's still assessments. 

Woke up at 9:30am by my whining dog. I was like kshdlshkflhwdlfld shiiet up
Then finally my dad was like 'Can you keep Messi's volume down? Kenzi is sleeping.'
But I couldn't get back to sleep after that. 

My day was pretty boring actually.
Fed the little ducklings, shower, eat & TV, internet.
I called my sister if she wanted to go watch a movie, but she's all like 'I DONT KNOW WHAT MOVIE IS OUT' 'BUT I DO, IM ON THE INTERNET' 'WELL I DON'T KNOW. GOSH GOOD DAY' 'HMPH BYE.' 
So I don't know if I'm watching a movie or not.

I wish my life was more interesting.
I really do.

Monday, 7 November 2011

exams yay

In case you didn't know, sarcasm was used in the title above.
Exams are like the most idiotic thing mankind has created.
Bloody hell.
EVERYTHING we've studied THIS YEAR, the entire year, is all coming out on a 20+ pages exam paper and we have to finish it within 2 hours.

I don't even know how to study for Social Studies tomorrow.
Let alone Maths.
I just wanna get this over with and watch Big Bang Theory, Gossip girl and play games.
Stupid exams are causing me migraines.
The world would be so much more easier without exams :(

I want a white iPhone :(
Dey luk s0 pritti omgz

gossip girl

Friday, 21 October 2011

delightful day today


Sadly she's in school right now and she's not online, so I can't talk to her.
Mommy made these fucking delicious lamb rack.
I've never had something so delicious like that.

Gonna play Sims Medieval now.
I suck at making names. I named my kingdom 'CaKe'.
Pathetic isn't it? Cake was the only thing in my mind, that's why.


Thursday, 13 October 2011

anuhea wahine

anuhea; meaning ugly
wahine; meaning lady

Probably millions of teenagers out there in this world are self-conscious about a lot of things.
I, myself has that problem too.
They say being yourself is the most beautiful thing ever, what if yourself, being you, is ugly.
I'm speaking gibberish now, just speaking my mind~*~*~*~*~*

Stupid bloody school server.
It's not working. If it ain't working, I can't do my homework.

Woke up at 230pm AGAIN.
I tried setting my alarm at 12pm, but without knowing I turned it off.
Spent like 3 hours watching TV and later finally showered.
I feel so lazy today.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


When I like a game, I get obsessed with it, big time.
Example: Sims Medieval.
I just downloaded Sims Medieval yesterday, finished like this morning.

I think I've played for like half a day.
Not consecutively, but like altogether.
I really have no life.

Woke up at 12pm today, but got out of bed at 1pm.
My dad wouldn't believe me that I woke up at 12. WHAT CRUEL WORLD DO I LIVE IN WHEN MY OWN FATHER DOES NOT BELIEVE ME.
Couldn't shower cause the hot water pipes are being repaired. The cold water is too cold.
Washed my face with that freezing water, I couldn't breath when the water was splashed onto my face.
Walked to Countdown to get pancakes for breakfast.

Played Sims after that.
Till like 5pm.
The pipes were repaired and I could finally shower.
Went out for dinner after that, had Malaysian food :3
Came back and played Sims again. Till 1145ish.
WHY IS SIMS SO ADDICTIVE!!11!111111!1!!11


Monday, 10 October 2011

booty chair

I woke up at 2:30pm.
I should really sleep early, but it's the holidays.
But I need to study!!11!1!111!11!

Still in my pj's. I should really go shower.
It's like 4:13pm.
But my download for Sims Medieval is almost done!!11!!!111!!!11!

Ahh, the toughest decisions in life.
I guess I should go shower..
I'll start studying soon.

Okai I should go shower.

Saturday, 24 September 2011


Mommy isn't at home.
She's gone to Malaysia for 2 weeks.
It's gonna be quite hard without her.
But I think we can manage it.

Yesterday was a really nice and sunny day.
Today is a really cold and rainy day.
What happened?

Zara is licking the glass door, trying to get into the living room.
Silly dog.
STUPID HOMEWORK. I mean it's not hard, but I don't know what else to do for this 'Film Technique Guide' booklet for English.
And I have to do this moodboard thing for Textile.

Okay bye.

Friday, 23 September 2011


School today was actually good.
We dissected a cow's eye for Science today. 
It was fuuuuuuuuuun. :3

Got a Achieved for Maths. 
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I hate Acheieve's. I want Merit's. 
Had to do this FIlm Technique Guide for English. 
It was pretty fun :) 

After school, got changed and went out with Sayaka to the Town Centre to watch Friends with benefits.
It was R16, but we got in anyways, with some help of course.
Very funny and um has adult references in it. 
Yeah, not a good family movie. 

Had this awesome tepppanyaki after the movie. 
The chef threw scrambled eggs and Sayaka had to catch it with her mouth! It was amusing to watch. 
She missed all of them, and got the last one. 

Currently skyping with Sophie.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

john mayer

He iz so dreamy.

Today was extremely cold for spring.
NOT COOL. I thought the heater was on, but it wasn't.
Had a algebra test today. Some were okay, but some were quite hard.
I think I'm gonna get an Achieved or Not achieved. I just hope I pass.

Textiles today was pretty fun, I guess.
Josh was being really weird again.
PE was quite okay. We were looking at family conflicts, I expected like some funny mature stuff that I can immaturely (issat a word) laugh at.
Inderjot kept saying horsedick, which I found out later today what it ACTUALLY meant.
Veeeeeeeerrrrrrry weird.
Any student can relate to: when there is no homework, it is a very good school day.

Skyping with Sophie now.
Hello white flag :)

Monday, 19 September 2011

i can be a freak

It's been a while since I've blogged.
Maybe it's because I couldn't be stuffed.
Lol. Lol. Why do people go like 'Lol.' it sounds as if they're depressed and trying to be happy.
Maybe that IS the reason.
Okay I stop.

I had to do my Social Studies presentation today about Lincoln.
I did most of the presentation and I had to say most of it, while my partner didn't do much.
Totally fair.
I'm still quite upset about it, although I know I shouldn't be, but I just am.

Didn't bring my PE uniform. Thank goodness Carmen didn't bring her's too.
But then, Ms Folks made us sit far from each other. *forever alone*
I was plucking grass and singing 'Keep holding on' when Ms Folks came and told me to take photos of our class playing rugby.
I didn't mind. At least it's better than sitting in the cold strong wind.
I must admit, the photos I took were pretty alright.
Talked to Josh for a while, mucked around.
Apparently he has some 'stash'. In this country, it's legal to have like marijuana, so I half believed him.

Came home and had curly fries.
CURLY FRIES ARE LIKE FOOD SEX. It's like a snack that's super awesome, better than sour cream & chives chips.
Did my homework and studied for a while. LOL study.
Yeh, pretty much my day.

kinda hungry now.

Saturday, 3 September 2011


So yesterday was my birthday, had a really good time :)
Although there wasn't any presents, I still feel really loved and I had a good time. And that's pretty much matters :)
Sophie and I skyped call till midnight and she posted a really embarrassing photo of me and an 'AWWWWWW' caption. She gave me a really silly dare, and I had to post it on Facebook. But it was fun:)) Went to sleep after a while. I woke up at about 1030am, I didn't wanna go out of my room cause there was guests outside, so I stayed in. When they left, I went out and my family sang me a birthday song. My brother and sister hugged me, I was like -___- EWIEEEE. Chloe made a cake for my birthday and father's day for today.
I left the house at 1230ish to Sylvia Park with Carmen and Sara. It was really fun! We wanted to watch a movie but it was freaking R16, and they really check ID's here. HMPHHH.
Had Nando's after walking around and nagging them to let me have lunch NOW. IT WAS GOOOOOOOOOOD P: Had this classic chicken breast burger with really nice sauce. I forgot what it was called. BUT IT WAS DELICIOUS.
Went to Japan mart after that. Bought noodles and other goodies worth $100+ :3
Anything is worth it if it's good food.
My mom came and shopped a while, so we stayed in the car since it's like freaking windy and cold outside. We got kinda bored so me and Sara ran to the lift and came up and down. Carmen was like YOU GUYS ARE RETARDED. Meh.
My mom came back to the car and sent Sara home, Carmen was coming home with me cause she's all like 'I WANNA SEE YOUR NEW HOUSE!!!111!1!' Bought some candles for my cake on the way and a pack of mustaches and party poppers while I was at it.
I used it for a monobrow and a mustache |:{) <-- My attempt of monobrow + moustache emoticon.
Carmen sticked hers EVERYWHERE. -.- Took some photos and played around~*~*~*
I can't be stuffed typing other stuff that we did yesterday. I needa do my project about Abraham Lincoln. All I know was that he had a really tall hat~*~*~*~*
And I'm still in my PJ's.


Monday, 22 August 2011

My best friend: Sophiya Khan Sabapathy Binti Irfan

This, was our first photo together on the first day of school.
When I didn't know her, when I thought she was the super quiet, shy girl.
I still remember that day very clearly.

Sophiya, also known as, Sophie, is my best friend.
Yes, some people say "a best friend should be like over 5 years or so" but that's bullshit. If you find a person who you can relate to, can have a shoulder to cry on, who you can trust and do anything together, you can technically call that person your best friend.
I met Sophie last year, January, on the first day of school. I sat next to her, introduced myself, with my oh-so-chinese accent. And she was SOOOOOOO quiet and soft man, now she's the opposite of that.

We had our first sleepover at her house after CVIC, which was a little awkward cause we didn't exactly knew each other THAT well. At her place, I found out I was allergic to cats, which wasn't helpful as her house has a lot of cats. LOLOLOL.
Our first trip to somewhere NOT in Kuala Lumpur.
That would be, Bidong.
Also my first diving trip. With my other friends too!
A picture we took on the way to the resort we stayed in!
I would post more photos, but they're not in my laptop. And other photos are, umm.. not related :3
It was extremely fun, really it was.

Her birthday 21st, 22nd and 23rd.
I sleptover at her house for 2 nights! It was really fun :3
We went out for dinner on her birthday, sadly I don't have any photos. We had this really, really good dinner and an awesome creme brulee for dessert. It was good as. I couldn't sleep well that night cause we were sleeping in her TV room and the frogs were outside the room and it kept on croaking. I was like omfgfmlfmlfmlfmlfmlfmlfml. But I slept a little, I guess. After that we had a water fight LOLOLOL <3
Us, soaking wet, after a truce. Ahhhh, good times (:
AND THEN HER BIRTHDAY PARTY! Daaaaaaamn, it was superkalifragilisticespiallidocious-ly fun. There is no words for that fun-ness at her party. It wasn't like hard core dancing or whatever, it was just playing in the pool with awesome friends and soccer in the rain. And it was very fun.

My last outing with Sophie. And of course, the weird and hyper, Savira.
This was at Pavillion. LOL Our faces are really weird, I don't even know why we did that face.
Oh right, the Ashwin face.
The day when Savira drank coffee for the first ever time. The day when Bera AND Sophie came for a sleepover. My room was such a pigsty. OH THE FUN TIMESSSSSSS~*~*~**~

There's like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more things we did together, but I just don't have the photos for those memories. I wish I could print memories.
Omg, someone should make that. Printing memories :3 ASDFGHJKL.

Lemme list down the traits of Sophiya Sabapathy.
Retarded, weird, funny, not awesome, slappable, reliable, loyal, understands my weird humor, bimbo, a fantastic singer, sarcastic and a thousand more I can list out, but I'm lazy, so no.
She's always there for me, when I needed her.
She's not the best at comforting people, but she's great at giving advices, well sometimes. LOL DON'T GET MAD AT ME SOPHIE~*~*~ I LUBS YOU <3
She's always weird and funny. So it's easy to talk to her.
I can trust her with anything, except for her mom's money. Yeah no.
We have so, so much in common. Literally, I've never met anyone with so much interests as I.
And she knows me super well. When I'm sad, on skype, pretending to be happy, she knows I'm sad. And gives me reasons why I shouldn't be and cheer me up.

I can give more reasons why we're best friends, but she's bugging me to quick it up.
So maybe next time.

So this is my post about my best friend, Sophie.
The girl who is rapping Super Bass and being weird.
I lubs you fayhead <3

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

period.................ic table

H is for hydrogen He is for hellium. What.
Sophie just helped me with my debate speech and my science stuff.
This is why you need a best friend or a slave, to help you with your homework.
Some of you might be like 'omg i know the periodic table off my heart' 'haha can't believe she doesn't know all these stuff'.
Well, NZ year 9 is more easier? It's like a little bit of year 7 and year 8. Not really hard.
Malaysia is more harder obviously, and more stressful.
NZ is more like relaxed and easier.

And I am fucking sick of people who just judge someone by rumors or photos.
Do you know what that person is going through?
No. So fuck off.

Friday, 12 August 2011


I am moving to a new house. 
Somehow, I feel excited and not that excited. The non-excited part isn't a bad thing, but I don't know why I'm not that excited though.
Currently talking to Sophie now. She's such a fayhead.
I find it really geeky and nerdy that we make up our own words. LOLOLOL

NED BIGBY IS HOT ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. If you don't remember him, he's from Ned's Declassified. If you don't know that show, your TV doesn't love you. I used to be like 'ew' now im like 'DDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN.'
Ahh poo. I gotta go pack. This is one of many things I dislike about moving houses -.-
I shall blog more later.

Monday, 8 August 2011


I feel sad. Not today, but now.
I hate everyone now. 
People. Stupid people. 
Fuck them. 

I feel like everything I do is always my fault. Somehow, it's my fault.
You know what? Fuck everyone.
I admit, I make mistakes, but really, sometimes it's the people's problems. 
I can't please everyone.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

yer a wizard

'Yer a wizard, Harry!'
'I'm a what?' 

I don't know why, but I just love those two lines. :3
LOLOL School today was quite fun actually. I had Music for the 2nd period, and we're doing this 'drum' thing, that was using buckets as our drums. And Sayaka and I were playing her piece of short music that she wrote. I have to admit, we were pretty alright.
And PE. Ohmygoddddddddd. The most awkward and hilarious topic ever. Our topic for this term is 'Changes and Choices'. Changes are like changes in your body. Sub topics are puberty and sex. Choices are like relationship and stuff. LOLOLOLOLOL
First lesson for today was funny. The teacher asked us to write on the board whatever we knew about the topic. Nearly EVERY GUY went up to the board and wrote a bunch of stuff.
I wrote 'willies'. Apparently, that wasn't acceptable and we had to use the word 'penis' instead. Pssschhhhhh.
And food technology! We had to make muesli.
Our group accidentally put in the raisins and apricots in the mixture first, and put it in the oven. When we were supposed to put the raisins and apricots after the muesli is cooked. So the raisins and apricots turned out burnt. Not a surprise. Looked edible though, the smell wasn't too bad. I didn't try it though.
Went to the town centre with Sayaka after school, bought some stuff at Whitcoulls and went to the library to do some things. Had some Chicken McBites at McDonald while Sayaka had Frozen L&P and large fries. She's mad for drinking frozen drinks in winter. She regretted it after that.

Now I'm off to sleep.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


Ohmygodddddddd. I just saw this guy from Tumblr. He's from Belgium.
He even has his own Facebook page. It has like 10,000+ likes.
All these bitches all over the world knows about him too.

Oh and I got into Pottermore! :'D
Super, super excited that I got into Pottermore! JUST THAT FEELING. SO NAAAAAAAISE.
ananandandandandnan, it said I was MAAAAAAAAGICAAAAL. :3
*le faints*

Just finished my homework.
Gonna shower and read the Sorcerer's Stone later.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

:) :'(

The past few days were really great. Really it was.
Let me explain why to my probably non-existant readers.
A lot of things happened in my week.
This is going to be a really, really long post. If you do not wish to read such a long post, please exit.

Woke up at 8am ish. Had my usual breakfast, the yummiest noodles near my house *drool* and cycled back. My aunt came to pick us up to her house cause my cousin Sacha is back from Russia! :DDDDD She brought her boyfriend too, so I get to meet him :3
So, got to her house, chatted a while, and off to 1U. Ohmygoddddd, the amount of cars in the parking lot was uncountable. It's like a bunch of beliebers grabbing the last bieber object. Crazy. My sister suggested that we go to the hotel parking lot, no one listened to her until 30 minutes later. Found a spot within 5 minutes. Went to Dragon-i and had lunch. Sacha's boyfriend ordered 9 dishes. 9 freaking dishes of food.
Went to Sunway later, ate some ice cream, it was YUMMA! Later then I bought some tee's at F.O.S. The tee's are so adorable! 3 for RM45, I bought 4. Then watched people ice-skate and went out. While waiting for Sacha's boyfriend to get the car, some random black dude walked passed me and was like "Hellooooooo." and muttered some random crap. He kept looking back and gave my pedo looks. Ummmmmmmm.
NIGHT TIME. OHMYGODDDDDDD. We watched "Insidious". Crap, that movie was scary. At first we didn't wanna watch it, cause it was like 1230am? Then we decided to watch it with the lights on. I didn't watch most of the scary parts, cause I'm a wimp. Went to sleep after the movie, about 230am or something I don't remember.

Woke up at 1130am, I thought it was like 8am. Showered and drank orange + carrot juice with 2 slices of cake :3 Talked with my aunt's maid for a while and played with their dog. When Sacha woke up, we went to pick up Jyn from SMKDJ and went to the club to eat. It was alright, I guess.
Mom picked us up later, took a polaroid with them before I left, without Jyn though :( cause he was sleeping. Went to Gardens with grams, mom and sister. Had lunch with my mom's friends. It was soooooo good. I had like 4 boxes of 'xiu long bao', they don't sell it in NZ, so I ate as much as possible.  It was good as. After the lunch, we walked around, bought some souvenirs for friends and went to Sophie's house for dinner at about 715pm.
Her mom made this awesome spaghetti for starters, her dad made ribs with mashed potatoes + cheese. Words can't describe how good the food was on that day. Sedapnyeeeeeeeeeee. Then things got tipsy after that, that is, the adults. When it was time to leave, things got emotional. You know how it is. Hugged everyone and said our last goodbyes, and went home.

Woke up, had usual breakfast. Stayed at home packing all day. LOL jk. Me and my sister only started packing at 2pm. Well, our friends came over. Man, they've grown so much :3 We talked and talked and talked, then went to their house later. Talked again, and played games. AWWWWWWW YEEEEA. Came back, there wasn't any water, so I couldn't shower. All sticky and smelly. Grandma and kakak cooked like for the entire day. She had to cook for 6 hungry people. So they cooked a load of food. Like a huge load of food. After dinner, I showered when the water was back, made sure I've packed everything, and went off to our family friend's house to sleepover with my sister.
It was fun, really it was. It's been SOOOOO long since we've had a sleepover. And we've been friends since kindergarden and their parents helped us a lot. So, it meant a lot to us and them.

Woke up at 630am and went back home. Had breakfast at the usual place with the family. Apparently the man who made our noodles knew it was our last day, he gave us the noodles, free of charge. And we ate a lot of food, no seriously, a lot. Went back, spent our times playing with the dogs and spending time with grams. And about 1030am, the taxi came and we went to the airport.

The end.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011


I have no idea how many blogs I've had.
I don't know.
It's been so long since I've used Blogger. I didn't use it because it sucked.
I guess I changed my mind.

My sister is being so weird.